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Showing posts from April, 2021

Stockade Guide in WoW Classic | Classes, Bosses and More

Stocktad, also known as Stormwind Stockade, is a tight prison in the middle of Stormwind. Currently, many dangerous criminals are being held in the stockade, including some criminal planners and Defias mercenaries. Unlike most dungeons in Classic Warcraft, Stockade was never intended to be instantiated, which explains its basic design and lack of a solid loot table. In keeping with patch 1.12, groups of up to 10 people can enter The Stockade together, although 5 people are considered a typical group size. This guide provides tips and strategies for completing the Stockade dungeon in the classic version of World of Warcraft and describes what you need before and during the dungeon, keep in mind that enough world of warcraft classic gold is essential. 1. How to get to the stockade Entering The Stockade as an Alliance is really easy. Drive northeast of the Master District, and you will find the meeting stone outside the entrance of the instance. As for the tribe, getting to the stockade ...

Now Unlock Flying in WoW: Shadowlands

  Are you now tired of wandering in Shadowlands? From the charming and peaceful Ardenweald forest to the torn and beaten Maldraxxus. But don't worry, you are about to fly to World of Warcraft. The developers confirmed at BlizzCon in February that Blizzard Entertainment will introduce full account flight in the game in the version 9.1 patch that is expected to be put on the real-time server within the next one or two months. In addition to bringing new raids, arena seasons, etc., the next major patch will also unlock the flight through a series of missions. 9.1 The battle of the Covenant will realize the unlocked flight. An item called Memories of Sunless Skies will be unlocked at the beginning of the campaign, allowing you to ride flying mounts on all over 50 characters. Now, you can complete the preparation of the patch by earning all 40 prestige (increased to 80 in 9.1) and completing each task to get wow classic gold in the covenant of your choice. Flight will be provided in th...

Most Beautiful Class Animal Sets in WoW: TBC

  Blizzard's art designers created some of the best tier tier sets for the Burning Crusade era of World of Warcraft - that's our opinion, at least. In this article we show you our highlights of Tier 4, 5 and 6 armor. From now on, hurry up to collect some vanilla wow gold . It's actually a shame: As great as many of the class tier sets in WoW Classic look, rarely do they actually make the best choices for many classes and specializations. Let's just take the warrior tier sets, which were designed primarily for tanks and even for them - thanks to the Fury-Prot meta and the rather easy level of difficulty - actually only represent the best choice in certain battles. With the launch of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic, we will soon again have the opportunity to earn some of the most beautiful class tier sets in WoW history. And since there will be sets for all specializations this time, we should see some of the fancy armor in action more often, although there are exceptions th...

All Existing Realms Will Progress to WOW Burning Crusade

Are you are particularly nostalgic for 2007? Burning Crusade Classic is for you. Here, players need world of warcraft classic gold will fight against iconic WoW villains such as Illidan, Kael'Thas, and all the nerds of opposing factions, who race to level 70 and fly over the mount in front of you so they can ambush and repeatedly attack you Whip for hours. World of Warcraft Classic players will soon be able to choose to transfer to the classic era server that has never entered the Burning Crusade. World of Warcraft classic players will face a difficult choice when they want to make their MMORPG experience nostalgic. Blizzard has browsed all the content of the original version of its sensational online game, which means that it will enter the expanded content of "Burning Crusade", which will bring major changes to the gameplay and the world that are not easy to open and close. Players who enjoy the classic version of World of Warcraft do this because it is a time limit, s...