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Now Unlock Flying in WoW: Shadowlands


Are you now tired of wandering in Shadowlands? From the charming and peaceful Ardenweald forest to the torn and beaten Maldraxxus. But don't worry, you are about to fly to World of Warcraft.

The developers confirmed at BlizzCon in February that Blizzard Entertainment will introduce full account flight in the game in the version 9.1 patch that is expected to be put on the real-time server within the next one or two months.

In addition to bringing new raids, arena seasons, etc., the next major patch will also unlock the flight through a series of missions. 9.1 The battle of the Covenant will realize the unlocked flight.

An item called Memories of Sunless Skies will be unlocked at the beginning of the campaign, allowing you to ride flying mounts on all over 50 characters.

Now, you can complete the preparation of the patch by earning all 40 prestige (increased to 80 in 9.1) and completing each task to get wow classic gold in the covenant of your choice.

Flight will be provided in the four covenant areas (Fort, Marderaxus, Ardenwild, and Revendreth), but not in Thef or Oribos. However, all ground supports can be used in version 9.1 of The Maw.

The riding skill level and cost have been changed to solve the problem of level compression in the game. This is the complete list and patch 9.1 is expected to go live in May.

Apprentice Riding60 percentGround10 silver10
Journeyman Riding100 percentGround50 gold20
Expert Riding150 percentFlight250 gold30
Master Riding310 percentFlight5,000 gold40

We will continue to update news and guides about WoW. If you are looking for the best place to buy vanilla wow gold, 5mmo will be your safest choice.



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