Blizzard's art designers created some of the best tier tier sets for the Burning Crusade era of World of Warcraft - that's our opinion, at least. In this article we show you our highlights of Tier 4, 5 and 6 armor. From now on, hurry up to collect some vanilla wow gold.
It's actually a shame: As great as many of the class tier sets in WoW Classic look, rarely do they actually make the best choices for many classes and specializations. Let's just take the warrior tier sets, which were designed primarily for tanks and even for them - thanks to the Fury-Prot meta and the rather easy level of difficulty - actually only represent the best choice in certain battles.
With the launch of WoW: Burning Crusade Classic, we will soon again have the opportunity to earn some of the most beautiful class tier sets in WoW history. And since there will be sets for all specializations this time, we should see some of the fancy armor in action more often, although there are exceptions thanks to the strong professional equipment parts.
In the following we want to show you the class tier sets from the Burning Crusade era that we particularly like. Which animal set do you like best at this time? Which ones don't you like at all? Let us know in the comments. Choose a reliable website buy wow gold classic, you can have money to buy these beautiful class animal sets.
The - for us - Most beautiful class animal sets of the TBC era:
We start with the Tier 5 and Tier 6 Priest sets. You can hardly create health points in a much more stylish way or tease the minds of your opponents.
The two later sets of the shamans are also very well done.
The golden, shining tier 6 set of the paladins is iconic through and through.
If you always want to keep an eye on yourself and your enemies, use the tier 6 set of hunters.
Related to the chic tier 3 set is the villain's tier 6 set. Add the warglaives and everything is fine.
The mage sets are okay, but not great. We like the tier 5 set best.
Druids don't really need a fancy set, as they are constantly scurrying around in some animal shapes. The tier 6 set is still very chic.
A warrior with a thick weapon and a full tier 6 set is also visually impressive.
Last but not least, the three wizards' sets, which are exceptional across the board. We like the tier 6 set itself a tad less than the two predecessors, but here's the unique wing animation.
Just a shame that warlocks will carry better alternatives in most of the time.
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